Chapter One: The Cost of Betrayal

Viktor's POV

Power . It was the only thing that mattered in my world. Power and control. I had both in spades.

From the penthouse of my luxury high-rise, the city stretched beneath me like an obedient servant. People below scurried like ants, living their insignificant lives, unaware of the strings I pulled behind the scenes. Nothing happened in my territory without my knowledge. And if it did... well, there were consequences.

I stood by the window, my hands clasped behind my back, watching the city lights blink against the darkening sky. The suit I wore was custom-made, as was everything I ownedā€”tailored to fit my body like a second skin. There was a certain comfort in the predictability of it all. Everything about my life was planned, structured, and precisely executed.

Until now.

"Boss." The voice behind me was cautious, hesitant. Michael, one of my most trusted men, knew better than to disturb me without good reason.

I didnā€™t turn around. "What is it?"

"There's been... a situation."

I narrowed my eyes at the skyline, my grip tightening slightly. I knew exactly what that meant. ā€œSpeak,ā€ I commanded, my voice low and steady, though a fire was already starting to burn inside me.

Michael stepped closer, his words tense. "One of our menā€”Derekā€”he... he betrayed us. He sold out the shipment details to the Feds. They seized everything."

I slowly turned around, my gaze locking onto Michaelā€™s face. He stood rigid, knowing the storm that was about to come. My anger was never loud. It didnā€™t need to be. It was sharp, cold, and deadly, just like the gun I kept holstered under my jacket.

"Derek?" I asked, my voice dangerously calm.

Michael nodded, sweat beginning to bead on his forehead. "Yes, boss. He... heā€™s gone underground. Weā€™re tracking him, but he slipped away before we could get our hands on him."

My jaw clenched, the rage inside me growing. Derek. A man I trusted with important shipments had the audacity to steal from me and then run. He had betrayed me, sold my operations out to the authorities, thinking he could escape the consequences.

He was wrong.

ā€œFind him,ā€ I said coldly, each word carrying the weight of an unspoken threat. ā€œI donā€™t care what it takes, or how many men we have to send. I want him alive when you bring him to me. Heā€™ll wish he was dead by the time Iā€™m done with him.ā€

Michael swallowed hard, nodding quickly. ā€œYes, boss. Iā€™ll send out more menā€”ā€

I raised a hand, silencing him. ā€œNo excuses. No delays. I want this handled. Tonight.ā€

Michael practically fled from the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. My fists clenched and unclenched, trying to steady the fury coursing through me. Derek had been with me for years. He knew the rulesā€”betrayal was unforgivable. I had shown him loyalty, given him protection, a life better than anything he could have ever had on his own. And this was how he repaid me.

My phone buzzed on the table. I snatched it up, my jaw still tight. The text was from another of my men, confirming what I already knew: the shipment was gone, Derek had disappeared, and the Feds were sniffing around.

I slammed the phone down, cracking the screen, but I didnā€™t care. I would deal with the authorities later. First, I had to find the rat who had dared to cross me.

Walking toward the floor-to-ceiling windows, I stared out at the sprawling city below. Somewhere out there, Derek was running. He probably thought he could hide, thought he could disappear into the shadows, but there was nowhere he could go that I wouldnā€™t find him.

Betrayal had a cost, and I always made sure it was paid in full.

The city may have been vast, but it was mine. My empire. And no one stole from me without suffering the consequences.

My lips twisted into a dark smile as I imagined Derekā€™s fate. This was only the beginning. When I found him, he would wish he had never been born.

And when I was done with him, I would make sure everyone knew the price of crossing Viktor DeLuca.

No one defied me and lived to tell the tale.


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